Close Cohen

“Why wasn’t I promoted?”

The woman sitting across from me was in shock.

She was one of only a few content experts in her field statewide and worked with a passion, tirelessly, in her role at her organization.

She became my client after being passed over for a promotion that we both agreed should have been hers, into the top tier of the organization’s leadership.

To add insult to injury she then discovered a comparable male colleague was earning more than her.

The question hung in the air: “Why wasn’t I promoted?

From the comfort of the couch she got a little misty eyed, it was safer here to let down her guard — away from the office and with me, a skilled listener totally removed from the politics of the situation.

She, like many (too many) of my clients went on to describe the creeping self-doubt, the insecurity she felt about her hard earned expert status. There’s a suspicion that takes root –that those figureheads who were keeping her small might be right –she wouldn’t get to lead, not now, maybe not ever.

She was restless, unfulfilled, and saddened.

If you were not promoted when you believe you should have been, the investigation is two fold:
A) Is it you? or B) Is it them?

We start with A.

In a matter of two sessions I am able to assess if your blind spots are actually interfering with your ability to gain ground in your career. With skilled listening, compassion and a total commitment your ability to grow –I share what I can see and we work to resolve it with a smart, kind tactics.

But typically folks, it’s not option A.

Also in a matter of two sessions I am able to see your strengths, your authority and your capacity to lead. And when the answer is B —it’s them— we work together to chart your best/smartest course for advancement.

Resolving the injuries to self-esteem that my clients experience from being asked to play small is the foundation of how I approach these cases.

The best news is that you can’t keep a good leader down.

The client who sat on my couch, in shock about the lost promotion went on to consolidate her expertise and gain more prestige, income and joy in her career that she could have imagined in that low moment of self-doubt.

In fact most clients who fit this description not only leave the unsupportive employer, but go on to a vertical career transition based on our work summarizing and showcasing your achievements and content expertise.

Because you just can’t keep a good leader down.

Laura Close Consulting is now accepting a few good leaders for Fall career and business coaching, use this link to request your free 15 minute phone consultation.

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