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Senior leaders are accustomed to preparation before execution, so it’s natural they seek us out for support when preparing to take their candidacy to market. Our streamlined approach for busy senior leaders is focused on successfully nailing the interview loop through smart preparation. We’ve coached hundreds of executives and leaders in this journey and identified 3 steps you cannot skip: Research, Network, and Rehearsal. These are the fundamentals of a competitive approach.

1. Research is Crucia

Arriving with deep knowledge of the company, role, and market signals how you approach any project, from this candidacy to the initiatives you’ll be leading once you land the position.

  • Research to understand what has recently passed and what is next for the company.
  • Talk to employees and use LinkedIn, YouTube, industry news, the company’s website, etc. to your advantage.
  • Conduct the same research for your company’s competitors.
  • Be knowledgeable about the products and industry to understand the company’s advantages and disadvantages.
  • Learn about the people you will be interviewing with.

2. Activate Your Network

Internal introductions indicate you are a respected member of the professional community and increase your chances of a competitive candidacy.

  • Who in your network works on the team you’re interviewing with, or works on teams related to the position?
  • Who has worked at the company in the past?
  • What insights can your network provide about your interviewers?
  • Ask your network about interviewing at this organization—does the company train hiring managers on a specific interview style or key topics and themes?
  • Will your contacts provide a proactive recommendation for you?
  • When you don’t have a direct connection, use LinkedIn to identify friends of friends.

3. Rehearse & Repeat

Even the most advanced leaders need support in getting comfortable telling the story of their candidacy. Multiple rehearsals are required to be able to confidently communicate your value.

  • Brag about your achievements.
  • Know what the interviewer is looking for and speak directly to it. Connect the dots between your experience and the role you’re discussing.
  • Be cautious not to minimize or diminish your experience.
  • Remember that practice is key for performance.

We love watching our clients craft their stories and communicate with confidence. We celebrate as clients learn to successfully demonstrate their value and experience and build skills through our senior level mock interviews. There’s nothing better than knowing a client will give an interviewer an opportunity to believe in them as much as we do.

We teach the frameworks, provide the space for practice, and give direct feedback to build your interviewing performance. Contact for the executive coaching that up-levels your candidacy and lands the role you desire.

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