
Pick a Fight

The key to a great, successful fight that moves your strategy forward is to pick the overlooked, undervalued or forgotten aspect in your landscape that aligns with core business or core leadership goals.

We are For People who Love to Work

We are For People who Love to Work We are for people who love to work. People who always need a mountain to climb, for people who know they are capable of more. We are for people who are intellectually alive, who delight in the white paper - the late night debate. We...

The Book We Love To Hate

The book Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff is a secret weapon in our arsenal of senior and executive level career coaching. But before you add it to your basket on Amazon, let us just warn you: it’s a terrible book. The author is unlikable and his tactics range from...

Book Review: Radical Candor. Great for managers and directors

After noticing an uptick in inquiries from managers wanting to lock in their growth trajectory, I started hunting for a great, fresh book we could read together. It had to capture the human complexity of managing, directing and leading. I found Kim Scott’s Radical Candor– it was love at first read.

Multiple Glass Ceilings

glass ceil·ing noun 1. an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities.   I remember my mom's glass ceiling pin. In 1991. Back when career women wore brooches. It was white lady art,...

Talk Senior to Me

How do you think Zuckerberg prepared for the congressional hearings? By skimming his resume? No. He wore fabulous clothes, had an A-team grill him in mock hearing preparations, just like we do in our private work together.

3 Causes of Success Aversion (real talk)

I’m curious if you can articulate your own success? After hundreds of client intake sessions, I’ve identified these three root causes of success aversion.

Let the Chips Fall Where They May

You might feel like I’m lying to you, and that you don’t have a creative bone left in your body. Creativity is for 20 year olds and hippies. It’s not true. We need what you are going to develop. But first you have to stop saying yes.

First Generation Swagger

Some of you already know I love working with immigrants. Fresh off the boat, first generation in the States, I’ll take it all.

I Like Your Odds

For new clients there can be a fear that once I learn about your weak spot I’ll say: “Oh I see. Well in that case we’ll have to set really small goals for you.”